Basic of Machine Learning

About Machine Learning

Posted by Gyeongmin Kim on November 08, 2019 · 1 min read

What is Machine Learning

  • Normal Programming : explicit programming
  • Muchine Learning : Field of study that gives computers the avility to learn without being explicitly programmed

  • Supervised Learning

    Learning with labeled examples
    Most common problem type in ML
    • Regression
    • Binary Classification
    • Multi-label Classification

  • Unsupervised Learning

    Learning with un-labeled data

  • Linear Regression Hypothesis and Cost
  • Gradient Descent Algorithm

    alpha는 한번에 얼마나 움직일 것인가를 나타낸다. Learning Rate

    cost function이 위와 같으면 시작점에 따라 minimize하는 부분이 달라진다.

    Convex function은 위와 같은 그래프 형태이다.
    In Multi-label

    만약 x가 수천이면 너무 복잡해진다. 그래서 Matrix를 사용한다.
  • Logistic(Regression) Classification
  • Softmax
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